* Faculty Member: Omega Institute, NY Open Center, One Spirit Learning Alliance, national conferences.
* Current California Class Dean & Teacher, & Past School Dean: International Barbara Brennan School of Healing.
Phone/Zoom/Skype/FaceTime ($100/55 minutes).
Free 30-minute no-obligation initial phone/online consultation with Priscilla. Text, phone or email Priscilla to set up.
Priscilla’s energy healing practice reconnects clients with their own inner wisdom and healing energies, and enables them to move with grace along their soul’s transformational healing path, even in the face of stress, change, or physical or emotional challenge.
Clients are guided to strengthen their own intuitive energy awareness and energy skills, and they also receive energy healing from Priscilla.
July, 25-29, 2022
In-Person, Hands-On!!
COVID Safety Protocols.
Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY.
$450 plus room and board, Members $405
Also register by calling Omega directly
This is a hands-on healing immersion deep into the Barbara Brennan energy-healing method. We will deepen our energy-healing skills by learning and exchanging full body healings.
There is also a focus on discovering more about your own unique healing gifts, and doing energy work in a way that renews the healer instead of draining them. Healing for the healer is the strong foundation of Brennan work, and so while we learn, we will also have relaxation, fun, and renew from the healing power of community.
Absolutely no prior healing experience or Brennan knowledge is needed, but this will also be valuable for experienced healers as well. Participants should be in general good health mentally and physically since this is a training as opposed to a healing circle.
Please contact Priscilla to learn more about the retreat.
Priscilla – 845-417-8261 (phone or text)
Omega 877-228-8003
[CURRENTLY POSTPONED FOR PANDEMIC – instead see Omega Institute July 25-29, 2022 Healing Retreat listed above.]
NY Catskill Mountains
“Soul Renewal For The Healer”

Come Join Our Beautiful Retreat Community!!! We have so much fun and form a sacred vessel of unity and respect.
Energy Inner-Healing – Healthy Energy Boundaries – Understanding Interpersonal Energy Dynamics – Sacred Ceremony – Live Music
If you are drawn to be a healing presence in the world you most likely have a sensitive empathic nature in relationship to others. This wonderful natural intuitive gift can also make you more vulnerable to energy-boundary challenges, emotional overload, energy-depletion, and stress.
This retreat focuses on bringing renewal deep into the heart and soul of the healer, and deepening their connection with their inner voice as a way to bring balance to your life system.
With inspiring transformational exercises and creative group experiences, we weave together ancient wisdom with current techniques to shift energy patterns and free blocks to flow.
We will also dance, sing healing songs, have a fire, have fun, and share meals as one family. Beautiful guest musicians will support us in our evening ceremonies.
No prior skills are needed for this respectful, relaxing, empowering small-group event. You do not need to be a professional caregiver to attend, but do need to be aligned with a soul’s calling to be a healing presence.
Participants must be in general good health physically and emotionally.
We will be the only group at this elegant sacred sanctuary, where the food is delicious and abundant, and the lodgings are top quality and very comfortable.
* Lifebridge Sanctuary, Rosendale, New York, USA
* Easy public transport from NYC.
* Begins – 7pm, Friday, (dinner served before).
* Ends – 12 noon, Sunday, (includes lunch).
For retreat info contact Priscilla directly:
* Check, PayPal, Venmo, Cash (2022 price to be decided).
* 845-417-8261 (text or phone)
Priscilla Bright, MA is an energy healer, and international healing instructor, workshop leader, and national conference speaker with 30 years of teaching and guiding clients. For twenty years of her holistic health and healing career Priscilla studied and then worked professionally with the world-renowned healer Dr. Barbara Brennan where Priscilla was a teacher and the School Dean of the international Barbara Brenna School of Healing, teaching in both the US and Europe.
Priscilla is the Founder/Director of ongoing Healer’s Path programs NYC, and leads Catskill Mountain healing retreats north of New York City. She is Faculty at the Omega Institute For Holistic Studies, New York City Open Center, NYC One Spirit Learning Alliance, and other education centers. She is a Graduate of the Professional Training in Positive Neuroplasticity with Dr. Rick Hanson, and her Masters of Public Health in Health Promotion/Health Behavior is from the Boston University School of Medicine.
Priscilla’s programs are designed for those who feel a call to be a deep healing presence. Participants are trained to access and build their internal healing energies, and to utilize these for both their own inner-healing, and for developing hands-on energy-healing skills and healing presence with others. These programs also connect participants to the support of Priscilla’s ongoing healing-community activities online and at profound in-person retreats.
Priscilla’s individual NYC client work is currently only done online or phone due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This interactive online or phone work reconnects clients with their own inner-healing energies and wisdom, and enables them to move with grace along their soul’s transformational healing path, even in the face of stress, change, or physical or emotional challenge. Clients are guided to strengthen their own intuitive energy awareness and energy skills, and also receive energy healing.
Call or text Priscilla at (845) 417-8261 or email for more information.